Case Studies
Explore some meaningful projects that created lasting impact.
Digital Skills LA
LA County is the country's largest small business economy, with the most minority-owned and women-owned small/micro-businesses in the nation.
In partnership with LA County Department of Economic Opportunity and funded by Microsoft, The Digital Skills LA program helped level the playing field by empowering small businesses with the knowledge and skills necessary for the digital age.
Digital Skills LA trained and equipped hundreds.of small and micro businesses with digital essentials to expand their online presence and grow their customer base.
Safer At Work
In collaboration with LA County and the Department of Public Health, the Safer at Work initiative offered a resource hub for over 100,000 businesses, employees, and all Angelenos to use our collateral to promote a safe reopening and restore our local, thriving economy.
The campaign was updated in real time with the latest guidelines, including the most up-to-date public health and vaccination requirements.
Economic Opportunity Grants
The Economic Opportunity Grants was facilitated by the Department of Economic Opportunity, SBDC, and Lendistry to administer grants to nearly 4,800 microbusinesses, small businesses and nonprofits, representing more than $50 million invested across L.A. County.
Align led a comprehensive ,county-wide outreach effort to drive program awareness and applicants through direct canvassing efforts and a series of technical assistance events in the five Supervisorial Districts in LA.
Community Workplace Outreach Project
The Center at Sierra Health Foundation partnered with the California Department of Social Services, the California Department of Public Health and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to provide funding for community-based organizations throughout California to support outreach to mitigate the health consequences of COVID-19 on disproportionately impacted populations and communities.